

About us

DG EXPRESS (Delivery Group) is an express courier company founded in 2010, thanks to the experience of professionals in the road transport and logistics sectors.
In a short time, the company has consolidated and expanded, becoming a reliable reality in the handling and transportation of goods and materials and for their storage and distribution on the Italian territory and at international level.

Today, in addition to the classic road transport services, DG Express manages deposits of raw materials, semi-finished goods, finished products and spare parts. The company specializes in the design and engineering of customized logistical models supported by advanced Web support platforms to meet all types of customer requirements.

DG Express is able to offer the customer a wide and diversified range of solutions that provide the following:
• Quality at the highest levels of the market;
• Competitiveness
• Personalization of the required services;
• Resource optimization;
• Innovation
• Affordable and competitive price




A seguito di numerose segnalazioni pervenute, informiamo che DG Express Srl non ha né ha mai avuto alcun rapporto con la società tedesca Delivery Express DE Group.
Peraltro, le nostre procedure non prevedono l’invio di SMS o di altri messaggi ai Clienti, con richieste di effettuare dei pagamenti tramite l’inserimento di dati sensibili su apposite piattaforme web.

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Following numerous reports received, we inform you that DG Express Srl has no n & eacute; has never had any relationship with the company German Delivery Express DE Group.
Moreover, our procedures do not provide for the sending of SMS or other messages to Customers, with requests to make payments by entering sensitive data on special web platforms.

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